Linking person job fit to employee job performance amid employees of services sector: The role of burnout as mediator

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Person job fit
Employee job performance and Burnout.

How to Cite

RAJPER, Z. A., GHUMRO, I. A., & MANGI, R. A. (2019). Linking person job fit to employee job performance amid employees of services sector: The role of burnout as mediator. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 6(4), 188–199.


Abstract. Person Job Fit (PJF) and Employee Job Performance (EJP) are general issues in now a days in business world. Most of the individuals alter their job due to misfit with their occupation which disturbs their job performance. Misfit can be a reasonable predictor of incompatibility between PJF and EJP. It can aggravate feeling on job and personal well-being of employees. Usually the employees who are better fit with their jobs are more satisfied, they can increase their job performance and produce good results. To contest with this we presume through watchful consideration to PJF through assessment phase or consultation, the organizations may hire those employees who are able to bring change and easily adjust in the environment and can avoid the adverse effects of burnout which is caused by incompatibility of individual’s job. The aim of present research work is to observe the detailed effects of EJP and significance of PJF in order to enable organization to avoid from unusual cost of personnel who are incompatible to their jobs. The studies designate that the employees who are compatible with their jobs may have a greater efficiency and are able to make changes smoothly in organization than those employees who are misfit with their jobs. This study also aim to examine if Burnout (BO) mediate relationships between PJF and EJP. Current study’s findings demonstrates that by giving proper attention to PJF in organization are indispensable facets for declining burnout.

Keywords. Person job fit, Employee job performance and Burnout.

JEL. D91, J24, J28, O14, Z22.


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