Operating practice of commercial motorcycle taxis in Dar Es Salaam City: Challenges and opportunities


Commercial motorcycle taxis
Challenges and opportunities

How to Cite

LUAMBANO, H. D. (2020). Operating practice of commercial motorcycle taxis in Dar Es Salaam City: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 7(2), 113–135. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v7i2.2055


Abstract. This paper is a result of the findings into the study on the operations of commercial motorcycle taxis in Dar es Salaam City (Tanzania). The paper among other key issues examines the daily operations of commercial motorcycle taxis to determine its challenges and sustainability thus providing ways of improving the sector. It also examined challenges and opportunities involved in the sector. The study involved 370 respondents which are operators and commuters. The study found out that there are a number of challenges associated with the daily operations of commercial motorcycle taxis in the city, like long working hours among operators thus affecting safety of the services offered; poor relations among operators and law enforcement officers which in turn has contributed significantly to low level of adherence to the set rules and regulations. The study further revealed that there are no contracts between operators and owners thus denying some basic legal rights of the operators and commuters. Furthermore the study found out that there are no basic facilities in the parking areas for the motor cycle taxi operations. The paper concludes that in spite of the existing challenges and problems in the operations of the commercial motorcycle taxis in the city yet, a good number of commuters depend on it as the mode of transport for different reasons. Thus it is important to address the aforementioned challenges so as to improve the general services offered by this mode of travel.

Keywords. Commercial motorcycle taxis, Challenges and opportunities, Sustainability.

JEL. L60, L62, L69.


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