An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Turnover Intensions: Evidence from Private Sector Universities of Peshawar

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SHAH, U., & KHAN, J. (2015). An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Turnover Intensions: Evidence from Private Sector Universities of Peshawar. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 144–152.



Abstract. High rate of turnover is one of major problems relevant to human resource management in private sector universities in Pakistan. It is on one hand, depriving the universities from talented and qualified labour force, and on the other hand, affecting the education standard of these universities. The present study was carried out to explore the inter­ relationship among the job satisfaction and turnover intentions and factors affecting them. Primary data was used for this purpose. The data was collected from a sample 150 employees of private sector universities of Peshawar. In the results, Job satisfaction and promotion opportunities appeared as significant factor affecting turnover intentions. It is recommended for the private sector universities on the basis of results of the study to give competitive salaries to the staff, increase promotion opportunities, improve leave policy, financial rewards, and make the system transparent and justified.

Keywords. Turnover Intensions, Private Sector Universities, Peshawar.

JEL. M10, M19, M52.


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