Anthropomorphism and Advertising Effectiveness: Moderating Roles of Product Involvement and The Type of Consumer Need

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BAŞFIRINCI, C., & ÇİLİNGİR, Z. (2015). Anthropomorphism and Advertising Effectiveness: Moderating Roles of Product Involvement and The Type of Consumer Need. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 2(3), 108–131.


Abstract. The goal of this study is to explore that whether using anthropomorphism in ads stimulates active information processing by increasing attention paid to the brand and creates some positive results on brand recall and attitude toward the brand. In this context, moderating roles of involvement level and product type were also investigated. Using experimental design, hypotheses were tested in two product groups. Offering important insights to practitioners to build an effective advertising message, results not only support that anthropomorphism could increase attention in advertisements but also emphasize the significance of context-specific factors in consumer perceptions.

Keywords. Anthropomorphism, Advertising, Product involvement, Consumer need, Turkey.

JEL. M37, M31, M30.


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