The Impact of Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment on CO2 Emissions: The Case of Turkey

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Carbon dioxide emissions
Foreign direct investment
Economic growth
Energy consumption

How to Cite

KIZILKAYA, O. (2017). The Impact of Economic Growth and Foreign Direct Investment on CO2 Emissions: The Case of Turkey. Turkish Economic Review, 4(1), 106–118.


Abstract. The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between carbon dioxide emissions, economic growth, foreign direct investment and energy consumption in Turkey. To this extent, ARDL bounds testing method to cointegration is being implemented over the period of 1970-2014.  The long run estimation results suggest that economic growth and energy consumption have positive impacts on CO2 emissions. However, this research did not find anysignificant relationship between foreign direct investment and CO2 emissions. As a result of these findings, this research reveals some important policy recommendations.

Keywords. Carbon dioxide emissions, Foreign direct investment, Economic growth, Energy consumption, ARDL.

JEL. F20, O10, Q40, Q50.


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