The Preferences and Investment Behaviour of Small Investors in the Hong Kong Bank Stock Market

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HON, T.-Y. (2015). The Preferences and Investment Behaviour of Small Investors in the Hong Kong Bank Stock Market. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 2(2), 39–47.


This paper investigates the behaviour of small investors in the Hong Kong bank stock market.The objective of this study was to researchthe factors, investing characteristics, and decision making processes. Informed by behavioural finance, we develop four hypotheses regarding the opinions and investment behaviour of small investors in the Hong Kong bank stock market. These hypotheses are then tested with the data collected from 1,054 small investors via a survey. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the study of behavioural finance in the setting of an Asian financial centre, namely Hong Kong.

Keywords. Behavioral finance, Investment behavior, Small investors, Hong Kong.

JEL. E22, G02, G10.


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