Rank Correlation Analysis of Investment Decisionfor Small Investors in the Hong Kong Derivatives Markets

How to Cite

HON, T.-Y. (2015). Rank Correlation Analysis of Investment Decisionfor Small Investors in the Hong Kong Derivatives Markets. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 2(3), 106–116. https://doi.org/10.1453/jeb.v2i3.397


Abstract. The primary objective is to investigate the factors, investing characteristics and decision making processes that affect Hong Kong’s small investors who participate in derivatives markets. The data were collected from 1,130 respondents via a questionnaire survey. Based on the results, we can derive the ascending order of importance of reference group, return performance and personal background (reference group is the least important and personal background is the most important).We used an indicator (Kendall rank correlation coefficients) to measure the different ranking of factors and are therefore attempting to give advice for financial advisers approaching target customers (small investors) in the Hong Kong derivatives markets.

Keywords. Rank correlation, Investment decision, Small investors, Derivatives markets, Hong Kong.

JEL. G02, G10 G11.



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