An Overview Online Securities Trading Service in Hong Kong

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HON, T.-Y. (2015). An Overview Online Securities Trading Service in Hong Kong. Journal of Economics Bibliography, 2(4), 201–207.


Abstract. The objective of this study is to examine the online securities trading service in Hong Kong. The upward trend in the contribution of retail online trading to total turnover value of online brokers continued, reaching 29% in 2013/14.However, international standards of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing are set by the Financial Action Task Force. We expect that the client opening procedures (especially anti-money laundering) cannot satisfy both U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission regulators. Some online brokerages will close their business in Hong Kong.

Keywords. Online Securities, Anti-money laundering, Hong Kong.

JEL. G20, G24.


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