Waqf for Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities


Waqf and Zakah
Islamic microfinance
Regulatory systems.

How to Cite

HASSANAIN, K. M. (2016). Waqf for Poverty Alleviation: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(4), 509–520. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v3i4.1087


Abstract. This Study seeks to adapt the framework practiced by various MDBs particularly international Development Association (IDA) to the potential establishment of GobalWaqf fund as this framework is proven to be effective. The framework revolves around the IDA operations with replenishments, allocation of funds by implementing specific formulas and the determination approach which is mainly to monitor effectiveness of the earlier processes. Apart from this framework, it is suggested that a good governance system also plays a vital role in the raising and managing of the global waqf funds. This research is purely qualitative in nature by studying the mechanisms used in IDA and other MDBs and drawing their examples and experiences. The lessons learnt are meant to complement further the fundamentals of Waqf. This study finally proposes indicators that integrate with the targets of an Islamic vision of development, which could facilitate the allocation of funds. The steps to raise funds for global waqf fund are also proposed with the objective of creating more effective approach for raising of funds for a global Waqf fund.

Keywords: Waqf and Zakah, Islamic microfinance, Regulatory systems.

JEL. A13, D64, G21, G23, I38, O10.


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