Sociological Inequality and the Second Law


Maximum Entropy
Long tail distribution
80 Pareto's rule
Zipf Law
Benford's law
Bell-like distribution.

How to Cite

KAFRI, O. (2016). Sociological Inequality and the Second Law. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(4), 476–480.


Abstract. There are two fair ways to distribute particles in boxes. The first way is to divide the particles equally between the boxes. The second way, which is calculated here, is to score fairly the particles between the boxes. The obtained power law distribution function yields an uneven distribution of particles in boxes. It is shown that the obtained distribution fits well to sociological phenomena, such as the distribution of votes in polls and the distribution of wealth and Benford's law.

Keywords: Maximum Entropy, Long tail distribution, 20:80 Pareto's rule, Zipf Law, Benford's law, Bell-like distribution.

JEL. C62.


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