Some Geographical Aspects of Rural Development with view of Montenegro: A Review

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RAJOVIC, G., & BULATOVIC, J. (2015). Some Geographical Aspects of Rural Development with view of Montenegro: A Review. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 2(1), 3–15.


The paper discusses some geographical aspects of rural development with view of Montenegro. According to development of a heterogeneous, rural areas lag behind the urban and industrial, so the problem must be given more attention. In this regard, the European Union provides a powerful impetus to social and territorial cohesion of rural areas and attempt to provide a more efficient valorization of local development potential, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Privacy and promote rural development in Montenegro is in the interest of the whole society, and investing in the range of industries in rural areas increases their attractiveness, encourages sustainable growth and employment opportunities, especially for young employees willing and able to accept the new philosophy of development.


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