The Cause and Effects of Word of Mouth from Consumer Intention and Behavior Perspectives: A SEM Model Approach

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Structural equation modeling
Consumer intention and behavior.

How to Cite

TSAI, C.-H., KUO, C.-C., & TAN, M. J. E. (2017). The Cause and Effects of Word of Mouth from Consumer Intention and Behavior Perspectives: A SEM Model Approach. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4(2), 212–231.


Abstract. As word-of-mouth (WOM)has been a major issue in the Consumer research, a lot of independent variables as WOM’s causes and effects have been accumulated. However, they have not been considered systematically in one identical model, in order to compare across their relative effects. This paper adopted a structural equation modeling method to incorporate significant variables with an integrative framework of consumer intention and behavior. Theoretical and practical insights were offered via the results of analyses.

Keywords: Word-of-Mouth, Structural equation modeling, Cause-effects, Consumer intention and behavior.

JEL. M10, L33, L52.


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