The psychology theories of waqf-giving behaviors


Motivational Factors
Theories of giving behavior

How to Cite

BAQUTAYAN, S. M., & MAHDZIR, A. M. (2017). The psychology theories of waqf-giving behaviors. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4(4), 424–432.


Abstract. Waqf has been practiced among Muslims since long ago and many studies have been conducted on waqf in various sectors. Thus, this paper reviews the relevant literature on waqf as mechanism to know the giving behavior among Muslim. The prime objective is to study factors that influence the intention to participate in waqf together with the motivational factors that drive and direct once to act. The findings show that the theory of planned behavior combined with other fundamental behavior together with the four drives factors sorted from different studies can be used to explain the waqf-giving behaviors. The paper then developed and proposed a conceptual model to study human behavior. Such evaluations could serve as a guideline in understanding the behavior that needs to be instilled to increase giving behavior among Muslims. This paper presents a conceptual model of waqf-giving behaviors, which would be useful for further empirical research in this area. 

Keywords. Waqf, Motivational Factors, Theories of giving behavior, Wellbeing.

JEL. D10, D11, Z12.


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