Analysis of Poverty Trends in Ghana

How to Cite

OSEI, V. (2015). Analysis of Poverty Trends in Ghana. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 2(1), 36–49.


The analysis of poverty incidence in Ghana suggested that Ghana has made huge progress in the area of poverty reduction as the country has achieved many of the Millennium Challenge Goals (MDGs). Poverty in Ghana has trended downwards for a decade now as evidenced from Ghana Living Standard Surveys conducted since 1987 to the latest GLSS6 conducted for the period 2012/2013.Poverty at all levels has gone down in the country according evidences from the analysis of the various living standard surveys conducted in Ghana. It is expected that if Government continues to pursue its current pro-poor economic policies aimed at achieving the MDGs, then poverty levels in Ghana will even trend down further in the coming years. Government policies towards poverty reduction should continuously target the vulnerable, socially and financially excluded in the past from growth and development in the country.


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Ghana Poverty Reduction and Strategy (GPRS I), 2003-2005

Ghana Poverty Reduction and Strategy (GPRS II), 2006-2009

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Ghana Living Standard Survey 1, 2,3,4,5 and 6

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Population & Housing Census Report Non-Monetary Poverty in Ghana. Ghana Statistical Service July, 2013

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