Disruptive firms and industrial change


Disruptive technologies
Disruptive firms
Radical innovations
R&D management
Competitive advantage
Industrial change.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2017). Disruptive firms and industrial change. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4(4), 437–450. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v4i4.1511


Abstract. This study proposes the concept of disruptive firms: they are firms with market leadership that deliberate introduce new and improved generations of durable goods that destroy, directly or indirectly, similar products present in markets in order to support their competitive advantage and/or market leadership. These disruptive firms support technological and industrial change and induce consumers to buy new products to adapt to new socioeconomic environment. In particular, disruptive firms generate and spread path-breaking innovations in order to achieve and sustain the goal of a (temporary) profit monopoly. This organizational behaviour and strategy of disruptive firms support technological change. This study can be useful for bringing a new perspective to explain and generalize one of the determinants that generates technological and industrial change. Overall, then this study suggests that one of the general sources of technological change is due to disruptive firms (subjects), rather than disruptive technologies (objects), that generate market shifts in a Schumpeterian world of innovation-based competition. 

Keywords. Disruptive technologies, Disruptive firms, Radical innovations, R&D management, Competitive advantage, Industrial change.

JEL. L20, O32, O33.



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