A note on computing the standard errors of estimate of composite index


Composite index
Standard error of estimate
Jackknife resampling
Crime data
Uttar Pradesh

How to Cite

MISHRA, S. K. (2018). A note on computing the standard errors of estimate of composite index. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 5(2), 216–220. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v5i2.1657


Abstract. This short note proposes working out of the standard errors of estimate of composite indices when they are constructed by using intrinsically derived weights. It illustrates the proposed method, using the jackknife re-sampling technique, by an example that relates to crime of different types in Uttar Pradesh (India). Improvements are suggested through bootstrapping. 

Keywords. Composite index, Standard error of estimate, Jackknife resampling, Crime data, Uttar Pradesh, India.

JEL. C43, C61, C71.


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