Pierre-AndréChiappori. Matching with Transfers: The Economics of Love and Marriage

How to Cite

CARSON, S. A. (2018). Pierre-AndréChiappori. Matching with Transfers: The Economics of Love and Marriage. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 5(2), 223–224. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v5i2.1702


Family economics is the sub-discipline in labor economics that applies household decision-making processes, household production, and fertility decisionsto understanding the family.  Gary Becker’s 1981 seminal Treatise on the Family renewed interest in the study of the economics of the household, and matching has become a foundational topic in family formation.  Since Becker’s renewed interest revitalized fertility studies and the New Home Economics, various scholars have extended this work into matching and household formation, and few have advanced the research as much as Pierre-André Chiappori.Chiappori has now summarized his and other scholars’ work into his book Matching with Transfers: The Economics of Love and Marriage(2017).


Chiappori, P-A. (2017). Matching with Transfers: The Economics of Love and Marriage. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Shore, S. (2010). For better, for worse: Intrahousehold risk-sharing over the business cycle. Review of Economics and Statistics 92(3), 536-548. doi. 10.1162/REST_a_00009

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