Economics, education and religion: Can Western theories be generalized across religions?


Monotheist religions
Secularization hypothesis.

How to Cite

MAMOON, D., & YAZDANI, N. (2018). Economics, education and religion: Can Western theories be generalized across religions?. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 5(3), 256–264.


Abstract. Some of the recent empirical studies relate economic growth and prosperity with religion. This paper raises the question that if economic systems are based on individualism and selfishness, can they be related with religion? The paper also finds that the Secularization hypothesis of Western Modernity is still valid for Western cultures, Judaism and Christianity but its application is highly unlikely in case of the third monotheist religion Islam. The paper expounds the causes of this proposition keeping in view the historical, religious and economic perspectives of Islam. 

Keywords. Religion, Economics, Education, Monotheist religions, Secularization hypothesis.

JEL. A10.


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