Funding our future: Self determination delivering prosperity


New Zealand
Funding our future
Self determination.

How to Cite

DOUGLAS, H. S. R. (2022). Funding our future: Self determination delivering prosperity. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 8(4), 157–171.


Abstract. The miracle of compound interest normally works against ordinary people, now it works for us - Once the savings policies outlined in this paper are fully mature, 95% plus of all New Zealanders will retire with 4-5 million dollars in their super fund accounts. No longer will New Zealanders get less out in pensions than the government takes in taxes. Old age will never be a reason for poverty again. Vets don’t have waiting lists, nor will New Zealanders when every New Zealander has a comprehensive catastrophic health policy ever year of their life. Patients with private insurance rarely have to queue. The policy outlined in this paper, gives you back your tax dollars, in a way that enables you to purchase your own insurance policy. Will once again become the route to advancement, when we cut out the middleman and let parents pay the school direct, then the school will get a dollar for every dollar spent on education. Real equality of opportunity gives the same spending power to everyone- and lets them choose their education. Choice in the educational system will raise our standards of achievement. Choice will give low-income families the same options as everyone else. Our shared home ownership model of housing will bring home ownership within the reach of everyone who works. Residential section development will be pushed to the maximum extent possible, and at reasonable prices. Being out of work for any reason an accident, being sick or unemployed, will all be covered by the same out of work welfare policy framework, ending any future attempts to fiddle the system. New Zealand’s one trillion dollars of unfunded welfare debt for health and pensions will disappear over time. Those years of living beyond our means will be behind us and taxes will drop as a consequence. The superannuation and health policies outlined in this paper will ensure that old age will never be a cause of poverty in New Zealand again. Far lower taxes allow workers to keep more of what they earn, much better incentives for people to work, better education and health policies will all help to lower poverty and keep it there. The lowest personal taxes in the world. That makes us one of the most attractive countries in the world. Taken together the policies in this paper will produce a strong and sustainable economic surge in New Zealand, and as a result our opportunities in life will be transformed.

Keywords. New Zealand, Funding our future, Self determination.

JEL. G02, G10, G20.
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