Environmental, demographic, and geographical factors affecting the diffusion of covid-19: A case study


Air pollution
Environment and health
Natural hazards
Risk assessment
Urban environment
Sustainable development and policy assessment
Sustainable growth.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2022). Environmental, demographic, and geographical factors affecting the diffusion of covid-19: A case study. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 9(2), 85–122. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v9i2.2332


Italy was the first European country to experience a rapid increase in confirmed cases and deaths of the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This study explains how COVID-19 transmitted so rapidly in northern Italy, analysing the underlying relationships between infected people and environmental, demographic, and geographical factors that influenced its spread. This study analyses data on COVID-19 cases alongside environmental data. This study finds out that cities with little wind, high humidity and frequently high levels of air pollution — exceeding safe levels of ozone or particulate matter — had higher numbers of COVID-19 related infected individuals and deaths. Overall, then, results here suggest that that geo-environmental factors may have accelerated the spread of COVID-19 in northern Italian cities, leading to a higher number of infected individuals and deaths.

Keywords. Air pollution; Environment and health; Natural hazards; Risk assessment; Urban environment; Sustainable development and policy assessment; Sustainable growth.

JEL. F64; I10; I18; I19;  H75; H84; Q50; Q51; Q52; Q53; Q55; Q58.


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