The currency boards of Trinidad (1906-1951) and Barbados (1938-1951)

How to Cite

SAH , S. S. (2025). The currency boards of Trinidad (1906-1951) and Barbados (1938-1951). Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 11(3-4), 86–102. Retrieved from


We provide the first spreadsheet data series and legislative history of note issue by the Commissioners of Currency, in Trinidad, and the Board of Commissioners of Currency, in Barbados. The paper assesses how orthodox the operations of these two currency boards were, analyzing both the legislation and statistics from their balance sheets. The two boards’ operations are compared in their structure and level of orthodoxy. There is also some limited discussion of the effects of the boards on the colonies’ economies. The paper makes the various balance sheet data available in machine-readable form for the first time, in a companion spreadsheet workbook.

Keywords. Trinidad and Tobago; Barbados; Currency board.

JEL. A10; E59; N16.




Some primary source documents can be found in the Digital Archive on Currency Boards. [Retrieved from].

Armstrong, E. (2010). A History of Money and Banking in Barbados, 1627-1973. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press.

Barbados. Annual Report, (1929/1930-1963 & 1964). Great Britain (United Kingdom). Colonial Office, Barbados: Report for… (1929/1930-1930/1931); Colonial Office, Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Barbados (1931/1932-1938/1939); not published 1939-1945 because of World War II; Colonial Office, Annual Report on Barbados (1947-1949), Colonial Office, Report on Barbados for the Year... (1950 & 1951-1963 & 1964). London: His / Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. (This series was called Colonial Reports until World War II and Colonial Annual Reports afterwards; it was suspended during the war for most colonies.)

Barbados. Blue Book. [1938/1939-1946/1947]. Bridgetown, Barbados.

Barbados. Gazette. 1937-1951. The Official Gazette. Bridgetown, Barbados: Published by Authority.

Brown, D.R. (1989). History of Money and banking in Trinidad and Tobago From 1789-1989. Port of Spain: Paria Publishing Co.

Caine, S. (1950). Monetary Systems of the Colonies. London: The Banker.

Central Bank. (1974). Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago. History of Banking and Currency in Trinidad and Tobago. Newtown, Port of Spain: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.

Greaves, I.C. (1952-53). Money and currency in Barbados. Journal of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, 19(4), 164-168.

Greaves, I.C. (1953). Colonial Monetary Conditions. London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.

Hanke, S.H. (2008). Why Argentina did not have a currency board. Central Banking, 18(3), 56-58.

Hanke, S.H., & Schuler, K. (2015 (1994)). Currency Boards for Developing Countries: A Handbook. Original edition San Francisco: ICS Press.

Hazelwood, A. (1954). The economics of colonial monetary arrangements. Social and Economic Studies, 3(3/4), 291-315.

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Mitchell, B.R. (1993). International Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750-1988, 2nd Edition. New York, New York: Stockton Press.

Monteith, K. (2008). Depression to Decolonization: Barclays Bank (DCO) in the West Indies, 1926-1962. Kingston, Jamaica: University of the West Indies Press.

Suranovic, S.M. (2008). International Finance: Theory and Policy. Washington, D. C.: Flat World Knowledge.

Trinidad and Tobago Annual Report, (1902/1903-1957). Great Britain (United Kingdom). Colonial Office, Trinidad and Tobago: Report for… (1902/1903-1928); Trinidad and Tobago, Annual General Report for the Year… (1929-1930); Colonial Office, Annual Report on the Social and Economic Progress of the People of Trinidad and Tobago (1931-1938); not published 1939-1945 because of World War II; Colonial Office, Annual Report on Trinidad and Tobago (1946-1949), Colonial Office, Report on Trinidad and Tobago for the Year... (1950-1957). London: His / Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (1902/1903-1928, 1936-1957); Port-of-Spain: Government Printing Office (1929-1935). (This series was called Colonial Reports until World War II and Colonial Annual Reports afterwards; it was suspended during the war for most colonies.)

Trinidad and Tobago, (1906/1907-1925). Blue Book. Port of Spain.

Trinidad and Tobago Gazette, (1906-1965). Trinidad Royal Gazette (1906-1962); Trinidad and Tobago Gazette (1962-1965). Port of Spain: Government Printer.

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