Pancasila Economic and The Challenges of Globalization and Free Market In Indonesia

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Pancasila economic
Islamic economic
free market

How to Cite

JAELANI, A. (2016). Pancasila Economic and The Challenges of Globalization and Free Market In Indonesia. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 3(2), 241–251.


Abstract. The crisis of economy in Indonesia forces the government to reform its economic development paradigm. The new paradigm development refers to great attention of economic-societies such as cooperation. Those involve in the planning of national economic development as well as the planning of society development. This article aims to define the combination between Islamic economic and economic of Pancasila to pressure the identity of Indonesian state in globalization era.

Keywords. Pancasila economic, Islamic economic, Globalization, Free market.

JEL. A11, F6, G18, H1, N2, O57, P5, Z21.


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