Exploring Change Management and Innovation in Strategy-Technology-Management (Stra.Tech.Man) terms

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Change management
Organizational change
Evolutionary Stra.Tech.Man triangle

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VLADOS, C., & CHATZINIKOLAOU, D. (2019). Exploring Change Management and Innovation in Strategy-Technology-Management (Stra.Tech.Man) terms. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 6(2), 66–81. https://doi.org/10.1453/jsas.v6i2.1871


Abstract. The present article explores how the concept of change management evolves within the context of the current restructuring of globalization and, more specifically, how a new approach to the phenomenon of organizational change is built in terms of the Stra.Tech.Man evolutionary triangle (Strategy-Technology-Management). Change management in Stra.Tech.Man terms is a process which can synthesize adaptively the different perspectives of organizational change in order for an organization to innovate effectively. In conclusion, organizational success is articulated in a continuous cycle of five consecutive Stra.Tech.Man steps, where every step has its own conditions of successful innovation and evolution.

Keywords. Change management, Organizational change, Evolutionary Stra.Tech.Man triangle, Innovation.

JEL. L20, L22, O32.


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