Analyzing the influential factors of industry 4.0 in precision machinery industry

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LAI, W.-H., & CHEN, C. H. (2020). Analyzing the influential factors of industry 4.0 in precision machinery industry. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 7(2), 96–112.


Abstract. Nowadays the science and technology progresses not only create the change to have a big impact on various industries, but also stimulate Industry 4.0 being applied in the manufacturing industry to achieve manufacturing efficiency and to reduce its cost to increase additional values. This study uses the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) evaluation method, which considers four criteria layers: Internet of things factors, Automationfactors, Intelligent factors, Big data factors, and twelve influence factors in sub-layer are: perceived layer, network layer, application layer, field layer, management layer, control layer, process control visualization, system supervisory and control omni bearing, green energy manufacturing production, variety, volume, and velocity. Then, the relative risk indicator (RRI) is obtained by the Analytical Hierarchical Process method, and the overall risk indicator (ORI) can be obtained after introducing the evaluation value of each impact factor through the case. The research results confirm that the risk assessment values obtained the hierarchical analysis method are consistent. This research through the Analytic Hierarchy Process, then discusses Industry 4.0 pair of Taiwan's precision machinery industry management pattern institute emphatically face with target, expected will provide the existing machine manufacture industry as well as the future wants to invest the precision machine industry the management policy-maker reference value, also might take the government policy consideration factors and the machine manufacture industry scholars study the academic for reference.

Keywords. Industry 4.0, Precision machine industry, Analytic Hierarchy Process.

JEL. L22, M11, O14.


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