AHP analysis of key success factors for enterprise transformation; From the viewpoint of project management process


Nowadays, project management, instead of operations, has become the main operation mode of an enterprise, while plenty discussions on using project management to help transformation of enterprises can be easily found in the existing literature. However, only a few stages of the project management process were applied in current frameworks, which could not provide an effective and comprehensive solution for an enterprise in crisis. In view of this, this study aimed to explore enterprise transformation from the perspective of project management process, proposing a whole transformation plan more coherent and complete. It would also suggest a fresh approach for exploring this research topic. The study found that the two phases of "planning" and "execution" are the most important ones for enterprise transformation. Therefore, it should be bold but cautious when formulating a transformation plan, and the plan should be precisely executed when being implemented. More importantly, this study connected the project management process with the enterprise transformation planning process, so that the enterprise transformation can be carried out more smoothly and have better probability of success.

Keywords. Enterprise transformation; Project management process; Analytical hierarchy process (AHP).

JEL. C52; L25; M14.


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