What are the characteristics of revolution and evolution?


Radical change
Coup d’état
Internal wars
Social progress

How to Cite

COCCIA, M. (2018). What are the characteristics of revolution and evolution?. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 5(4), 288–294. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v5i4.1789


Abstract. This conceptual paper describes some characteristics of revolution and evolution. Revolution here is an historical process that generates a rapid and structural change in society. Instead, evolution is a progressive growth and change, generating a transition from simple to complex systems. Overall, then, this study suggests that revolution and evolution are a result of human activity in society originated to satisfy specific needs and/or to cope with and adapt in the presence of environmental threats and changing contexts. 

Keywords. Radical change, Rebellion, Coup d’état, Insurrection, Struggle, Internal wars, Growth, Social progress, Advancement, Development.

JEL. B50, B59, I00, I10, I30.


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