Dialectical prerequisites on Geopolitics and Geo-economics in Globalization’s Restructuration Era

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Geopolitics and geoeconomics
Global crisis and restructuring
Structural-evolutionary crisis

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VLADOS, C., DENIOZOS, N., & CHATZINIKOLAOU, D. (2019). Dialectical prerequisites on Geopolitics and Geo-economics in Globalization’s Restructuration Era. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 6(2), 65–92. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v6i2.1877


Abstract. In the current restructuring phase of globalization, the geopolitical analysis, combined with the derived concept of geoeconomics, seems to acquire a new, growing interest. Specifically, the scientific discipline of geopolitics synthesizes the different socioeconomic analytical tools, having as final goal to propose and implement a proper strategy (geostrategy) by focusing on increasing national power and broadening the control of a geographic territory. In this context, this article explores how the contemporary geopolitical and geoeconomic analysis can valorize a composite evolutionary-dialectical method to enhance their understanding. To this end, substantial points of analytical enrichment to geopolitics and geoeconomics seem to emerge in the globalization’s restructuration era.

Keywords. Geopolitics and geoeconomics, Global crisis and restructuring, Geostrategy, Dialectics, Structural-evolutionary crisis.

JEL. B52, F69, F59.


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