Multiple jobs holding and management of lecturers in Cameroonian state universities

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State University
Odds ratios
Logit model
Monitoring and Coaching tools

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YAMB, B., & BIKOUE, M. (2019). Multiple jobs holding and management of lecturers in Cameroonian state universities. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 6(2), 93–114.


Abstract. This article is a continuation of our previous works on the determinants of multiple jobs of lecturers in Cameroonian State universities. It lays particular emphasis on human resource management used in these universities. The methodology makes use of the logit analysis on survey data. The results obtained show that contrary to the theoretical and empirical literature, time constraint in the main job does not appear to be an important explanatory factor for the multiple jobs phenomenon. However, gender, the universities’ location, salary earned from secondary jobs and the holding of an administrative position in a university play a major role in explaining the phenomenon. This paper thus presents a certain interest linked to the specificity of these jobs (lack of monitoring, opportunism in behaviors, social pressures related to them) on the one hand, and the coaching of the human resource used on the other. Governmental incentive measures are proposed to limit this dual employment phenomenon which tends to deteriorate the quality of lectures provided.

Keywords. Moonlighting, State University, Odds ratios, Logit model, Monitoring and Coaching tools, Cameroon.

JEL. J50, J24, J31, J81, C35.


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