Can the COP21 stop the rise of CO2s?


UNFCCC COP (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties)
Coal substitution by solar plants
Bhadla Solar Park.

How to Cite

LANE, J.-E. (2020). Can the COP21 stop the rise of CO2s?. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 6(4), 278–285.


Abstract. The UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 is a huge international reunion to attempt to enact with unanimity policies that counteract global warming or its effects. Can such really overcome the difficult problematic of collective action inherent in providing global public good? The Global Environmental Process runs meeting after meeting - no results. The global thermometer keeps rising, as Co2s do not decrease. The first manifestations of Hawking's irreversible change have appeared around the world. Only one major non-incremental policy would make a difference: close down coal power.

Keywords. UNFCCC COP (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties), Hawkings, Lomborg, Coal substitution by solar plants, Bhadla Solar Park.

JEL. B14, B24, B51.


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