Rewards in public administration: A proposed classification


Monetary Rewards
Seat of Power
Abuse of Power.

How to Cite

COCCIA, M., & IGOR, B. (2018). Rewards in public administration: A proposed classification. Journal of Social and Administrative Sciences, 5(2), 68–80.


Abstract. Social and administrative sciences categorize rewards with some dimensions. However, these interpretative models seem to be elusive because they do not consider all the elements of rewards system within public administration. The goal of this paper is to suggest a new classification considering formality, tangibility and also legality in order to create a comprehensive interpretative model in public sector. This theoretical framework begins the process of clarifying and generalizing, as far as possible, the manifold elements of rewards system in public administration to lay a foundation for the development of more sophisticated taxonomies and theories directed to fruitful management implications.

Keywords. Monetary rewards, Compensation, Salary, Seat of power, Pay, Bribe, Reputation, Abuse of power.

JEL. B29, L29, L30, L32, M12, M19, M50.


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