Differential approach and capabilities: An analysis for the population displaced in Colombia

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Differential Approach and Capabilities: An Analysis for the Colombia's Population Displaced


Sen's capability approach
Forced Displacement
Colombian Armed Conflict
Amartya Sen

How to Cite

LEON, D. F. (2017). Differential approach and capabilities: An analysis for the population displaced in Colombia. Journal of Economic and Social Thought, 4(3), 312–321. https://doi.org/10.1453/jest.v4i3.1379


Abstracto. The conceptual framework of the capability approach proposed by Amartya Sen has never been used specifically in the dynamics of forced displacement or in the analysis of the quality of life of the population victims of the Colombian armed conflict. Reason why, this article affirms that the approach of capabilities agrees with the differential approach proposed by the Colombian Constitutional Court. Consequently, the objective is to provide a conceptual aproximation to the capability approach of Amartya Sen and differential approach proposed by the from Colombia Constitutional Court and to point out that the capability approach is relevant in the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies directed at the victim population. Similarly, recent data on the dynamics of forced displacement in the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia) are provided. 

Palabras clave. Sen's capability approach, Forced Displacement, Colombian Armed Conflict, capabilitarian, Amartya Sen

JEL. I31, I32, D63.


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